Patrick Feirer

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  • Follow the pdf small Guidelines to prepare the article for submitting.
  • Follow the pdf smallGuidelines to ensure the references follow our guidelines.
  • The manuscript must not exceed 30 000 characters (including spaces, title, abstract, keywords, references).
  • Please see, the initial review criteria for the editors  and the information for reviewers.
  • The articles submitted must not have been previously published (including on the internet).
  • The articles submitted are expected to be written in clear English.
  • The editors reserve the right to edit the English text. Extensive alterations will be discussed with the authors.

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Contributions should follow a systemic, integrative, synthetic or networking approach with reference to a specific research question.
Manuscript composition:
  • The abstract should explain the major contributions of the article to the general reader.
  • Keywords should enhance searchability, be relevant, help with indexing your article and provide a concise summary.
  • The introduction should briefly and concisely present the research question, scientific background and state-of-the-art for the subject matter treated in the article, with reference to the literature, and should embed the contribution in the scientific context.
  • The methods should be presented which have been used in the research for the article. Standard methods are not described in detail. Special methods are presented by a short summary.
  • Results should also be presented in tables and figures which must be referred to in the text.
  • In the discussion the results are evaluated and, if possible, compared to other and differing results and interpretations from other studies by other authors, again with reference to the sources in the literature.
  • Depiction of results and discussion should be treated separately.
  • The conclusion must correspond to the hypotheses and questions formulated at the beginning and may include an outline of recommendations, future perspectives as well as open questions.
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