Patrick Feirer

We acknowledge that time is a scarce resource. Therefore, we greatly appreciate our reviewers for contributing their valuable time and expertise to maintaining the standards of our journals.

Manuscripts submitted to eco.mont at first undergo a rapid access review by the editor (see initial review criteria), which is not meant to be a full scientific review but to identify and sort out manuscripts with obvious deficiencies. 

If the manuscripts are not immediately rejected, they will be sent out to reviewers.

If you've agreed to conduct a review of a manuscript, please check in to our Open Journal System and use the review questions provided in the review form. Any additional comments are welcome. Please remember the following:

  • The maximum article length is 30,000 characters, including spaces.
  • If you suggest expanding the text, also indicate which parts could be shortened.
  • Your comments will be forwarded directly to the authors and may be shared with other reviewers.
  • For confidential comments to the editors, write them in the section provided in the review form.


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